Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kukharskyy, Bohdan

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Relational contracts and the economic well-being of nationsKukharskyy, Bohdan; Pflüger, Michael P.
2011Relational Contracts and the Economic Well-Being of NationsKukharskyy, Bohdan; Pflüger, Michael
2012Quality of Institutions, Global Sourcing, and the Make-or-Buy DecisionKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012Trust and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical AnalysisKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012Global Sourcing if Contracts are Reference PointsKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012Trade, Superstars, and WelfareKukharskyy, Bohdan
2015Culture and Global SourcingKukharskyy, Bohdan; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Roland, Gerard
2015Relational contracts and global sourcingKukharskyy, Bohdan
2017Gun violence in the U.S.: Correlates and causesKukharskyy, Bohdan; Seiffert, Sebastian
2017Gun violence in the U.S.: Correlates and causesKukharskyy, Bohdan; Seiffert, Sebastian
2017Contracting institutions and firm boundariesEppinger, Peter S.; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2018Offshoring under UncertaintyKohler, Wilhelm; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2018Time Is on My Side: Relational Contracts and Aggregate WelfareKukharskyy, Bohdan; Pflüger, Michael P.
2020Covid-19 shocking global value chainsEppinger, Peter S.; Felbermayr, Gabriel; Krebs, Oliver; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2020Covid-19 Shocking Global Value ChainsEppinger, Peter; Felbermayr, Gabriel J.; Krebs, Oliver; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2021Decoupling Global Value ChainsEppinger, Peter; Felbermayr, Gabriel J.; Krebs, Oliver; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2021Contracting institutions and firm integration around the worldEppinger, Peter S.; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2023Cultural Distance, Firm Boundaries, and Global SourcingGorodnichenko, Yuriy; Kukharskyy, Bohdan; Roland, Gerard