Browsing All of EconStor by Author Koschel, Henrike
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1995 | Externe Kosten der Energieversorgung und ihre Bedeutung im Konzept einer dauerhaft-umweltgerechten Entwicklung | Rennings, Klaus; Koschel, Henrike |
1997 | Technologischer Wandel in AGE-Modellen: Stand der Forschung, Entwicklungsstand und -potential des GEM-E3-Modells | Koschel, Henrike; Schmidt, Tobias F. N. |
1997 | A Regulatory Framework for a Policy of Sustainability: Lessons from the Neo-Liberal School | Rennings, Klaus; Koschel, Henrike; Brockmann, Karl Ludwig; Kühn, Isabel |
1998 | Climate change policy and burden sharing in the European Union: applying alternative equity rules to a CGE-framework | Schmidt, Tobias F. N.; Koschel, Henrike |
1998 | Empirical macromodels under test: a comparative simulation study of the employment effects of a revenue neutral cut in social security contributions | Buscher, Herbert S.; Buslei, Hermann; Göggelmann, Klaus; Koschel, Henrike; Ramb, Fred; Schmidt, Tobias F. N.; Steiner, Viktor; Winker, Peter |
1998 | Tradable SO-2-permits in the European Union: a practicable scheme for public utilities | Brockmann, Karl Ludwig; Koschel, Henrike; Schmidt, Tobias F. N. |
1998 | Modelling of foreign trade in applied general equilibrium models: theoretical approaches and sensitivity analysis with the GEM-E3 model | Schmidt, Tobias F. N.; Koschel, Henrike |
2000 | Substitution elasticities between capital, labour, material, electricity and fossil fuels in German producing and service sectors | Koschel, Henrike |
2005 | Regionale Klimaschutzprogramme: zur integrierten Analyse von Kosten des Klimawandels und des Klimaschutzes auf regionaler Ebene | Fahl, Ulrich; Koschel, Henrike; Löschel, Andreas; Rühle, Bastian; Wolf, Helmut |
2005 | Not Employed 37 Hours or Employed 41? A CGE Analysis for Germany | Conrad, Klaus; Koschel, Henrike; Löschel, Andreas |
2006 | Efficiency Losses from Overlapping Economic Instruments in European Carbon Emissions Regulation | Böhringer, Christoph; Koschel, Henrike; Moslener, Ulf |
2010 | KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2010: Effizienzpotenziale des Emissionshandels noch nicht ausgeschöpft – Strategien und Management deutscher Unternehmen | Löschel, Andreas; Kiehl, Kerstin; Heindl, Peter; Lo, Vivien; Koschel, Henrike; Koesler, Simon |