Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kolasa, Marcin

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Total factor productivity and its determinants in Poland - evidence from manufacturing industries: The role of ICTKolasa, Marcin; Żółkiewski, Zbigniew
2005What drives productivity growth in the new EU member states? The case of PolandKolasa, Marcin
2009Putting the New Keynesian DSGE model to the real-time forecasting testKolasa, Marcin; Rubaszek, Michał; Skrzypczyński, Paweł
2009FDI and productivity convergence in central and eastern Europe: an industry-level investigationBijsterbosch, Martin; Kolasa, Marcin
2010Real convergence and its illusionsKolasa, Marcin
2010Can we prevent boom-bust cycles during euro area accession?Brzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Jacquinot, Pascal; Kolasa, Marcin
2011Financial frictions and optimal monetary policy in an open economyKolasa, Marcin; Lombardo, Giovanni
2012Assessing macro-financial linkages: A model comparison exerciseGerke, Rafael; Jonsson, Magnus; Kliem, Martin; Kolasa, Marcin; Lafourcade, Pierre; Locarno, Alberto; Makarski, Krzysztof; McAdam, Peter
2013Macroprudential policy instruments and economic imbalances in the euro areaBrzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Kolasa, Marcin; Makarski, Krzysztof
2014Monetary and Macroprudential Policy with Multi-Period LoansBrzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Gelain, Paolo; Kolasa, Marcin
2015Monetary and macroprudential policy with foreign currency loansBrzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Kolasa, Marcin; Makarski, Krzysztof
2016Exchange rate forecasting with DSGE modelsCa' Zorzi, Michele; Kolasa, Marcin; Rubaszek, Michał
2018International spillovers of quantitative easingKolasa, Marcin; Wesołowski, Grzegorz
2018Global identification of linearized DSGE modelsKociñecki, Andrzej; Kolasa, Marcin
2019Are flexible working hours helpful in stabilizing unemployment?Kolasa, Marcin; Rubaszek, Michał; Walerych, Małgorzata