Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kohl, Sebastian

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007An economic sociological look at economic anthropologyAspers, Patrik; Darr, Asaf; Kohl, Sebastian
2008Economic sociology discovering economic geographyAspers, Patrik; Kohl, Sebastian; Power, Dominic
2008An economic sociological look at economicsAspers, Patrik; Kohl, Sebastian; Roine, Jesper; Wichardt, Philipp
2016How much do sociologists write about economic topics? Using big data to test some conventional views in economic sociology, 1890 to 2014Daoud, Adel; Kohl, Sebastian
2017Varieties of housing finance in historical perspective: The impact of mortgage finance systems on urban structures and homeownershipBlackwell, Timothy; Kohl, Sebastian
2017Varieties of economization in competition policy: A comparative analysis of German and American antitrust doctrines, 1960-2000Ergen, Timur; Kohl, Sebastian
2017Varieties of agrarian capitalism: Towards a comparative analysis of rural economiesKohl, Sebastian; Dobeson, Alexander; Brandl, Barbara
2018Scheitern der sozialen Wohnungspolitik: Wie bezahlbaren Wohnraum schaffen?Breyer, Friedrich; Hoffmeister-Kraut, Nicole; Wrede, Matthias; Simons, Harald; Vandrei, Lars; Theurl, Theresia; Henger, Ralph; Kholodilin, Konstantin; Kohl, Sebastian
2018A small history of the homeownership idealKohl, Sebastian
2019Social policy or crowding-out? Tenant protection in comparative long-run perspectiveKholodilin, Konstantin A.; Kohl, Sebastian; Prozorova, Yulia; Licheron, Julien
2019Die Regulierung des Wohnungsmarkts hat weltweit zum Siegeszug des Eigenheims beigetragenCholodilin, Konstantin; Kohl, Sebastian
2019Verdrängung oder Sozialpolitik? Einfluss von Regulierungen auf die WohneigentumsquoteKholodilin, Konstantin; Kohl, Sebastian
2019Steuerliche Instrumente der WohneigentumsförderungCholodilin, Konstantin A.; Kohl, Sebastian; Niemeyer, Tobias
2019Housing market regulation has contributed to the worldwide triumph of home ownershipCholodilin, Konstantin; Kohl, Sebastian
2020Housing and voting in Germany: Multi-level evidence for the association between house prices and housing tenure and party outcomes, 1980-2017Beckmann, Paul; Fulda, Barbara; Kohl, Sebastian
2020Does social policy through rent controls inhibit new construction? Some answers from long-run historical evidenceKholodilin, Konstantin A.; Kohl, Sebastian
2020Ungleichheit unter der Lupe – neue politische Antworten auf ein bekanntes ThemaNiehues, Judith; Stockhausen, Maximilian; Peichl, Andreas; Bartels, Charlotte; Bossler, Mario; Fitzenberger, Bernd; Seidlitz, Arnim; Kuhn, Moritz; Baldenius, Till; Kohl, Sebastian; Schularick, Moritz; Kleimann, Rolf
2021The hidden homeownership welfare state: An international long-term perspective on the tax treatment of homeownersKholodilin, Konstantin A.; Kohl, Sebastian; Korzhenevych, Artem; Pfeiffer, Linus
2021Superstar returnsOsswald do Amaral, Francisco; Dohmen, Martin; Kohl, Sebastian; Schularick, Moritz
2021Die neue Wohnungsfrage: Gewinner und Verlierer des deutschen ImmobilienboomsBaldenius, Till; Kohl, Sebastian; Schularick, Moritz