Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kliemt, Hartmut

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Trust in the shadow of the courts if judges are no betterBrennan, Geoffrey; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
1998Co-evolution of preferences and information in simple games of trustGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Peleg, Bezalel
2000Fairness versus efficiency: An experimental study of (mutual) gift givingGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Ockenfels, Axel
2001Langzeiteffekte der Theory of Games and Economic Behavior: Zur Anwendung der Spieltheorie in den (Sozial-)wissenschaftenGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2001From full to bounded rationality: The limits of unlimited rationalityGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2001Retributive responsesGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Ockenfels, Axel
2006Gesundheitspolitik in der Kompromissfalle: Kein Problem gelöst, aber neue geschaffenBreyer, Friedrich; Adam, Hans; Cassel, Dieter; Daumann, Frank; Eisen, Roland; Felder, Stefan; Jacobs, Klaus; Karmann, Alexander; Kifmann, Mathias; Kliemt, Hartmut; Krämer, Walter; Leidl, Reiner; Meyer, Ulrich; Pfaff, Anita; Ried, Walter; Ulrich, Volker; Schellhorn, Martin; Wagner, Gert G.; Wambach, Achim; Wasem, Jürgen; Ausschuss für Gesundheitsökonomie im Verein für Socialpolitik
2008The impossibility of social choice and the possibilities of individual values: political and philosophical liberalism reconsideredGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2008(Over)-stylizing experimental findings and theorizing with sweeping generalityGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Levati, Maria Vittoria
2008(Mindest)Standards als Koordinationshilfe – Zur Debatte um MindestlöhneGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2008What ethics can learn from experimental economics - if anythingGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2008Psychology and economics rather than psychology versus economics: cultural differences but no barriers!Brandstätter, Hermann; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2010(Un)bounded rationality in decision making and game theory: Back to square one?Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2011Procedurally fair provision of public projects: An axiomatic characterizationGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2013Entwickeln sich wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung und Politikberatung auseinander?Haucap, Justus; Mödl, Michael; Schmidt, Christoph M.; aus dem Moore, Nils; Themann, Michael; Richter, Wolfram F.; Fratzscher, Marcel; Wagner, Gert G.; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Koll, Willi
2013Procedurally fair collective provision: Its requirements and experimental functionalityGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Koukoumelis, Anastasios; Levati, M. Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2013Procedurally Fair Collective Provision: Its Requirements and Experimental FunctionalityGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Koukoumelis, Anastasios; Levati, M. Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2013Fairness that money can buy: Procedural egalitarianism in practiceGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
2014Nudging als politisches Instrument: Gute Absicht oder staatlicher Übergriff?Bruttel, Lisa V.; Stolley, Florian; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Bosworth, Steven; Bartke, Simon; Schnellenbach, Jan; Weimann, Joachim; Haupt, Marlene; Funk, Lothar
2015How to cope with (new) uncertainties: A bounded rationality approachGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut