Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kirschenmann, Karolin

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Foreign Currency Loans - Demand or Supply Driven?Brown, Martin; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Ongena, Steven
2010The dynamics in requested and granted loan terms when bank and borrower interact repeatedlyKirschenmann, Karolin
2017The zero risk fallacy? Banks' sovereign exposure and sovereign risk spilloversKirschenmann, Karolin; Korte, Josef; Steffen, Sascha
2017Numeracy and the quality of on-the-job decisions: Evidence from loan officersBrown, Martin; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Spycher, Thomas
2018European Financial Integration through SecuritizationKirschenmann, Karolin; Riedler, Jesper; Schuler, Tobias
2020NUMERACY AND ON‐THE‐JOB PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM LOAN OFFICERSBrown, Martin; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Spycher, Thomas
2020Deposit insurance, bank ownership and depositor behaviorAtmaca, Sümeyra; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Ongena, Steven; Schoors, Koen
2021How the withdrawal of global correspondent banks hurts Emerging EuropeBorchert, Lea; de Haas, Ralph; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Schultz, Alison
2021Is there a need for reverse mortgages in Germany? Empirical evidence and policy implicationsBartsch, Florian; Buhlmann, Florian; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Schmidt, Carolin
2022Global payment disruptions and firm-level exportsHaas, Ralph$cde; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Schultz, Alison
2023Does the European Union need another green bond standard?Brückbauer, Frank; Cézanne, Thibault; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Schröder, Michael
2023Implicit and Explicit Deposit Insurance and Depositor BehaviorAtmaca, Sümeyra; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Ongena, Steven; Schoors, Koen
2023Broken relationships: De-risking by correspondent banks and international tradeBorchert, Lea; de Haas, Ralph; Kirschenmann, Karolin; Schultz, Alison
2024Towards a more realistic view on the market potential of EU securitizationsBrückbauer, Frank; Kirschenmann, Karolin