Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kiander, Jaakko
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1994 | The Great Deperession of the 199s in Finland | Kiander, Jaakko; Vartia, Pentti |
2000 | Measuring labour market flexibility in the OECD countries | Kiander, Jaakko; Virén, Matti |
2002 | The eastward enlargement of the eurozone : state of the art report | Bolle, Michael; Caétano, José; Kiander, Jaakko; Lavrač, Vladimir; Orsi, Renzo; Jacobsen, Hanns-Dieter |
2002 | The Eastward Enlargement of the Eurozone : The Shaping of Capital Markets Regional Inputs on Data and Statistic | Meyer, Thomas; Kiander, Jaakko; Vieira, Carlos; Vieira, Isabel; Lavrač, Vladimir; Marzo, Massimiliano |
2002 | The Eastern Enlargement of the Eurozone and Labour Market Adjustment | Kiander, Jaakko; Vaittinen, Risto; Paas, Tiiu |
2003 | The Nordic welfare state in the 1990s: consequences of disinflation and fiscal consolidation in the three Nordic EU countries | Kiander, Jaakko |
2003 | Policy and performance in the Nordic EU countries in the 1990s | Kiander, Jaakko |
2009 | Työmarkkinoiden kehityksen kokonaistaloudellinen tausta ja lähivuosien sopeutuminen | Alho, Kari E. O.; Kiander, Jaakko |