Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kerr, William R.

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Do employment protections reduce productivity? Evidence from US statesAutor, David H.; Kerr, William R.; Kugler, Adriana D.
2010From Russia with Love: The Impact of Relocated Firms on Incumbent SurvivalHeblich, Stephan; Falck, Oliver; Günther, Christina; Kerr, William R.
2013Income inequality and social preferences for redistribution and compensation differentialsKerr, William R.
2013Growth through heterogeneous innovationsAkcigit, Ufuk; Kerr, William R.
2013Labor regulations and European venture capitalBozkaya, Ant; Kerr, William R.
2015Financing innovationKerr, William R.; Nanda, Ramana
2015Networks and the macroeconomy: an empirical explorationAcemoglu, Daron; Akcigit, Ufuk; Kerr, William R.
2015Transition to clean technologyAcemoglu, Daron; Akcigit, Ufuk; Hanley, Douglas; Kerr, William R.
2015Agglomeration and innovationCarlino, Gerald; Kerr, William R.
2016High-Skilled Migration and AgglomerationPekkala, Sari; Kerr, William R.; Özden, Caglar; Parsons, Christopher
2016Global Talent FlowsPekkala, Sari; Kerr, William R.; Özden, Caglar; Parsons, Christopher
2016Immigrant EntrepreneurshipPekkala, Sari; Kerr, William R.
2016Immigrant entrepreneurshipPekkala Kerr, Sari; Kerr, William R.
2016Heterogeneous Technology Diffusion and Ricardian Trade PatternsKerr, William R.
2016Innovation NetworkAcemoglu, Daron; Akcigit, Ufuk; Kerr, William R.
2016Social Networks, Ethnicity, and EntrepreneurshipKerr, William R.; Mandorff, Martin
2016Global Collaborative PatentsPekkala, Sari; Kerr, William R.
2017Global collaborative patentsPekkala Kerr, Sari; Kerr, William R.