Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Keen, Michael

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1990Optimal Non-Linear Income Taxation for the Alleviation of Income PovertyKanbur, Ravi; Keen, Michael; Tuomala, Matti
1991Jeux Sans Frontieres: Tax Competition and Tax Coordination when Countries Differ in SizeKanbur, Ravi; Keen, Michael
1991Public Goods, Self-Selection and Optimal Income TaxationBoadway, Robin; Keen, Michael
1991The Comparison Between Ad Valorem and Specific Taxation under Imperfect CompetitionDelipalla, Sofia; Keen, Michael
1993Evasion and Time Consistency in the Taxation of Capital IncomeBoadway, Robin W.; Keen, Michael
1994Efficiency and the Fiscal Gap in Federal SystemsBoadway, Robin W.; Keen, Michael
1999REDISTRIBUTIONBoadway, Robin; Keen, Michael
2000Pareto Efficiency in International TaxationKeen, Michael; Wildasin, David E.
2001Tax Principles and Tax Harmonization under Imperfect Competition: A Cautionary ExampleKeen, Michael; Lahiri, Sajal; Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis
2004Financing New Investments under Asymmetric Information: A General ApproachBoadway, Robin; Keen, Michael
2009Theoretical perspectives on resource tax designBoadway, Robin; Keen, Michael
2011Coordinating climate and trade policies: Pareto efficiency and the role of border tax adjustmentsKeen, Michael; Kotsogiannis, Christos
2014Rent Taxes and Royalties in Designing Fiscal Regimes for Non-Renewable ResourcesBoadway, Robin; Keen, Michael
2015Estimating VAT Pass ThroughBenedek, Dora; de Mooij, Ruud A.; Keen, Michael; Wingender, Philippe
2022Pareto-Improving Minimum Corporate TaxationHebous, Shafik; Keen, Michael
2023What's in Your Wallet? The Tax Treatment of CryptocurrenciesBaer, Katherine; Mooij, Ruud A. De; Hebous, Shafik; Keen, Michael
2024Principles for Pareto Efficient Border Carbon AdjustmentKeen, Michael; Kotsogiannis, Christos