Browsing All of EconStor by Author Karle, Heiko

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Consumer Loss Aversion and the Intensity of CompetitionKarle, Heiko; Peitz, Martin
2010Pricing and Information Disclosure in Markets with Loss-Averse ConsumersKarle, Heiko; Peitz, Martin
2011Ownership and Control in a Competitive IndustryKarle, Heiko; Klein, Tobias J.; Stahl, Konrad O.
2011Ownership and control in a competitive industryKarle, Heiko; Klein, Tobias J.; Stahl, Konrad O.
2011Ownership and control in a competitive industryKarle, Heiko; Klein, Tobias J.; Stahl, Konrad O.
2012Competition under Consumer Loss AversionKarle, Heiko; Peitz, Martin
2013Creating Attachment through Advertising: Loss Aversion and Pre–Purchase InformationKarle, Heiko
2013Loss Aversion and Consumption Choice: Theory and Experimental EvidenceKarle, Heiko; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Peitz, Martin
2014Incomplete Contracting, Renegotiation, and Expectation-Based Loss AversionHerweg, Fabian; Karle, Heiko; Müller, Daniel
2014Incomplete Contracting, Renegotiation, and Expectation-Based Loss AversionHerweg, Fabian; Karle, Heiko; Müller, Daniel
2014Incomplete Contracting, Renegotiation, and Expectation-Based Loss AversionHerweg, Fabian; Karle, Heiko; Müller, Daniel
2016De-Targeting: Advertising an Assortment of Products to Loss-Averse ConsumersKarle, Heiko; Peitz, Martin
2016Settlement OffersSchumacher, Heiner; Karle, Heiko; Volund, Rune
2017Segmentation versus agglomeration: Competition between platforms with competitive sellersKarle, Heiko; Peitz, Martin; Reisinger, Markus
2019Excessive TargetingKarle, Heiko
2019Student performance and loss aversionKarle, Heiko; Engelmann, Dirk; Peitz, Martin
2021Consumer Loss Aversion and Scale-Dependent Psychological Switching CostsKarle, Heiko; Schumacher, Heiner; Vølund, Rune
2021The Focusing Effect in NegotiationsCanidio, Andrea; Karle, Heiko
2022Search Costs and Diminishing SensitivityKarle, Heiko; Kerzenmacher, Florian; Schumacher, Heiner; Verboven, Frank
2023Search Costs and Context EffectsKarle, Heiko; Kerzenmacher, Florian; Schumacher, Heiner; Verboven, Frank