Browsing All of EconStor by Author Johansson, Edvard

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003A note on the impact of hours worked on mortality in the OECDJohansson, Edvard
2004The association of alcohol dependency with employment probability: Evidence from the population survey Health 2000 in FinlandJohansson, Edvard
2004Abstaining from alcohol and labour market underperformance: Have we forgotten dry alcoholics?Johansson, Edvard
2004Job satisfaction in Finland: Some results from the European Community household panel 1996 - 2001Johansson, Edvard
2005Alcohol mortality, drinking behaviour, and business cycles: Are slumps really dry seasons?Johansson, Edvard; Böckerman, Petri; Prättälä, Ritva; Uutela, Antti
2007Economic inequality and health: Looking beyond aggregate indicatorsBöckerman, Petri; Johansson, Edvard; Helakorpi, Satu; Uutela, Antti
2007Alcohol consumption and sickness absence: Evidence from panel dataJohansson, Edvard; Böckerman, Petri; Uutela, Antti
2008Does Finland suffer from brain drain?Johansson, Edvard
2008Työolot ja tuottavuus: Työpaikkavirtojen nosteessa vai puristuksessa?Ilmakunnas, Pekka; Johansson, Edvard; Maliranta, Mika
2009Innovative work practices and sickness absence: What does a nationally representative employee survey tell?Böckerman, Petri; Johansson, Edvard; Kauhanen, Antti
2009Does education shield against common mental disorders?Johansson, Edvard; Böckerman, Petri; Martelin, Tuija; Pirkola, Sami; Poikolainen, Kari
2021Estimating Tax Noncompliance among the Self-Employed – Evidence from Pleasure Boat RegistersEngström, Per; Hagen, Johannes; Johansson, Edvard
2022Lost Mind, Lost Job? Unequal Effects of Corporate Downsizings on EmployeesBöckerman, Petri; Haapanen, Mika; Johansson, Edvard