Browsing All of EconStor by Author Jentsch, Carsten

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Block Bootstrap Theory for Multivariate Integrated and Cointegrated ProcessesJentsch, Carsten; Paparoditis, Efstathios; Politis, Dimitris N.
2014Inference in VARs with Conditional Heteroskedasticity of Unknown FormBrüggemann, Ralf; Jentsch, Carsten; Trenkler, Carsten
2014Bootstrapping Sample Quantiles of Discrete DataJentsch, Carsten; Leucht, Anne
2015Baxter's inequality and sieve bootstrap for random fieldsMeyer, Marco; Jentsch, Carsten; Kreiss, Jens-Peter
2016Empirical characteristic functions-based estimation and distance correlation for locally stationary processesJentsch, Carsten; Leucht, Anne; Meyer, Marco; Beering, Carina
2016Proxy SVARs: Asymptotic theory, bootstrap inference, and the effects of income tax changes in the United StatesJentsch, Carsten; Lunsford, Kurt G.
2017Bootstrapping INAR modelsJentsch, Carsten; Weiß, Christian H.
2019Generalized binary time series modelsJentsch, Carsten; Reichmann, Lena
2021The investment narrative: Improving private investment forecasts with media dataBlagov, Boris; Müller, Henrik; Jentsch, Carsten; Schmidt, Torsten
2021Text mining methods for measuring the coherence of party manifestos for the German federal elections from 1990 to 2021Jentsch, Carsten; Mammen, Enno; Müller, Henrik; Rieger, Jonas; Schötz, Christof
2021Generalized binary vector autoregressive processesJentsch, Carsten; Reichmann, Lena
2022Text data rule - don't they? A study on the (additional) information of Handelsblatt data for nowcasting German GDP in comparison to established economic indicatorsShrub, Yuliya; Rieger, Jonas; Müller, Henrik; Jentsch, Carsten
2022Named entity narrativesBenner, Niklas; Lange, Kai-Robin; Jentsch, Carsten
2022Towards extracting collective economic narratives from textsLange, Kai-Robin; Reccius, Matthias; Schmidt, Tobias; Müller, Henrik; Roos, Michael W. M.; Jentsch, Carsten
2023Inflation perception and the formation of inflation expectationsSchmidt, Torsten; Müller, Henrik; Rieger, Jonas; Schmidt, Tobias; Jentsch, Carsten