Browsing All of EconStor by Author Janys, Lena

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014A General Semiparametric Approach to Inference with Marker-Dependent Hazard Rate Modelsvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Janys, Lena; Mammen, Enno; Nielsen, Jens P.
2016A general semiparametric approach to inference with marker-dependent hazard rate modelsvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Janys, Lena; Mammen, Enno; Nielsen, Jens P.
2017A General Semiparametric Approach to Inference with Marker-Dependent Hazard Rate ModelsJanys, Lena
2020Labour supply in the early stages of the CoViD-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on hours, home office, and expectationsvon Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina; Zimpelmann, Christian
2020Evidence for a Two-Women Quota in University Departments across DisciplinesJanys, Lena
2020Labour Supply during Lockdown and a "New Normal": The Case of the Netherlandsvon Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina M.; Zimpelmann, Christian
2020Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectationsvon Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina M.; Zimpelmann, Christian
2020Labour supply during lockdown and a "new normal": The case of the Netherlandsvon Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Sifinger, Bettina; Zimpelmann, Christian
2021Drivers of Working Hours and Household Income Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the NetherlandsZimpelmann, Christian; von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina M.
2021Structural models for policy-making: Coping with parametric uncertaintyEisenhauer, Philipp; Gabler, Janos; Janys, Lena
2021Mental health and abortions among young women: Time-varying unobserved heterogeneity, health behaviors, and risky decisionsJanys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina
2021Drivers of working hours and household income dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of the NetherlandsZimpelmann, Christian; Hans-Martin vonGaudecker; Holler, Radost; Janys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina
2021Mental Health and Abortions among Young Women: Time-Varying Unobserved Heterogeneity, Health Behaviors, and Risky DecisionsJanys, Lena; Siflinger, Bettina M.
2021Structural Models for Policy-Making: Coping with Parametric UncertaintyEisenhauer, Philipp; Gabler, Janos; Janys, Lena
2022Testing the presence of implicit hiring quotas with application to German universitiesJanys, Lena