Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Iqbal, Amjad
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2016 | Examining volatility spillover between Asian countries' stock markets | Jebran, Khalil; Iqbal, Amjad |
2016 | Dynamics of volatility spillover between stock market and foreign exchange market: evidence from Asian Countries | Jebran, Khalil; Iqbal, Amjad |
2017 | Financing behavior of firms in tranquil and crisis period: Evidence from China | Mirza, Sultan Sikandar; Jebran, Khalil; Yan, Yu; Iqbal, Amjad |
2019 | Determinants of corporate cash holdings in tranquil and turbulent period: Evidence from an emerging economy | Jebran, Khalil; Iqbal, Amjad; Bhat, Kalim Ullah; Khan, Muhammad Arif; Hayat, Mustansar |