Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hinz, Julian

Showing results 1 to 20 of 34
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Friendly fire - the trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctionsCrozet, Matthieu; Hinz, Julian
2017Friendly fire: Zu den Handelsauswirkungen der RusslandsanktionenHinz, Julian
2017The view from space: Theory-based time-varying distances in the gravity modelHinz, Julian
2017Critically important: The heterogeneous effect of politics on tradeHinz, Julian; Leromain, Elsa
2017Transpazifische Partnerschaft TPP: Totgeglaubte leben längerHinz, Julian
2017The cost of sanctions: Estimating lost trade with gravityHinz, Julian
2017The ties that bind: Geopolitical motivations for economic integrationHinz, Julian
2018Measuring Venezuelan emigration with TwitterHausmann, Ricardo; Hinz, Julian; Yildirim, Muhammed A.
2019Bearing the cost of politics: Consumer prices and welfare in RussiaHinz, Julian; Monastyrenko, Evgenii
2019Persistent zeros: The extensive margin of tradeHinz, Julian; Stammann, Amrei; Wanner, Joschka
2020Deutschlands Wirtschaft seit dem Corona-LockdownFelbermayr, Gabriel; Hinz, Julian; Mahlkow, Hendrik
2020Bodenbildung in der Binnenwirtschaft, Kollaps des WelthandelsFelbermayr, Gabriel; Hinz, Julian; Mahlkow, Hendrik; Stamer, Vincent
2020Worth the pain? Firms' exporting behavior to countries under sanctionsCrozet, Matthieu; Hinz, Julian; Stammann, Amrei Luise; Wanner, Joschka
2020Critically Important: The Heterogeneous Effect of Diplomatic Tensions on TradeHinz, Julian; Leromain, Elsa
2020The economic costs of war by other meansChowdhry, Sonali; Felbermayr, Gabriel; Hinz, Julian; Kamin, Katrin; Jacobs, Anna-Katharina; Mahlkow, Hendrik
2021Big Data in der makroökonomischen AnalyseAdemmer, Martin; Beckmann, Joscha; Bode, Eckhardt; Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens; Funke, Manuel; Hauber, Philipp; Heidland, Tobias; Hinz, Julian; Jannsen, Nils; Kooths, Stefan; Söder, Mareike; Stamer, Vincent; Stolzenburg, Ulrich
2022Brothers in arms: The value of coalitions in sanctions regimesChowdhry, Sonali; Hinz, Julian; Kamin, Katrin; Wanner, Joschka
2022Potential economic benefits of the African continental free trade area for Africa and the EUHinz, Julian; Chowdhry, Sonali; Jacobs, Anna; Thiele, Rainer
2022Brothers in arms: The value of coalitions in sanctions regimesChowdhry, Sonali; Hinz, Julian; Kamin, Katrin; Wanner, Joschka
2022The Brussels Effect 2.0: How the EU sets global standards with its trade policyChristen, Elisabeth; Meyer, Birgit; Oberhofer, Harald; Hinz, Julian; Kamin, Katrin; Wanner, Joschka