Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hime, Stephanie
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | A transferable water quality ladder for conveying use and ecological information within public surveys | Hime, Stephanie; Bateman, Ian J.; Posen, Paulette; Hutchins, Michael |
2009 | Making benefit transfers work: Deriving and testing principles for value transfers for similar and dissimilar sites using a case study of the non-market benefits of water quality improvements across Europe | Bateman, Ian J.; Brouwer, Roy; Ferrini, Silvia; Schaafsma, Marije; Barton, David N.; Dubgaard, Anders; Hasler, Berit; Hime, Stephanie; Navrud, Stale; De Nocker, Leo; Ščeponavičiūtė, Rasa; Semėnienė, Daiva |