Browsing All of EconStor by Author Herrmann, Benedikt

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006The limits of self-governance in the presence of spite: experimental evidence from urban and rural RussiaGächter, Simon; Herrmann, Benedikt
2008Reciprocity, culture and human cooperation: Previous insights and a new cross-cultural experimentGächter, Simon; Herrmann, Benedikt
2009Inter-group conflict and intra-group punishment in an experimental contest gameAbbink, Klaus; Brandts, Jordi; Herrmann, Benedikt; Orzen, Henrik
2009The moral costs of nastinessAbbink, Klaus; Herrmann, Benedikt
2009Two's company, three's a group: The impact of group identity and group size on in-group favouritismHarris, Donna; Herrmann, Benedikt; Kontoleon, Andreas
2010Culture and cooperationGächter, Simon; Herrmann, Benedikt; Thöni, Christian
2010Culture and cooperationGächter, Simon; Herrmann, Benedikt; Thöni, Christian
2010The limits of self-governance when cooperators get punished: Experimental evidence from urban and rural RussiaGächter, Simon; Herrmann, Benedikt
2011Social comparison in the workplace: Evidence from a field experimentCohn, Alain; Fehr, Ernst; Herrmann, Benedikt; Schneider, Frédéric
2011Social comparison in the workplace: Evidence from a field experimentCohn, Alain; Fehr, Ernst; Herrmann, Benedikt; Schneider, Frédéric
2012Civic capital in two cultures: The nature of cooperation in Romania and USAEllingsen, Tore; Herrmann, Benedikt; Nowak, Martin A.; Rand, David G.; Tarnita, Corina E.
2013Growing out of the Crisis: Hidden Assets to Greece's Transition to an Innovation EconomyHerrmann, Benedikt; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2013Growing out of the crisis: Hidden assets to Greece's transition to an innovation economyHerrmann, Benedikt; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2013Resource scarcity, spite and cooperationPrediger, Sebastian; Vollan, Björn; Herrmann, Benedikt
2013Resource Scarcity, Spite and CooperationPrediger, Sebastian; Vollan, Björn; Herrmann, Benedikt
2017Economic preferences 2.0: Connecting competition, cooperation and inter-temporal preferencesEspín, Antonio M.; Martínez Sánchez, Angel; Herrmann, Benedikt
2023Verwaltungsqualität entscheidet mehr als Regulierungsdichte über Wachstumspotenziale von UnternehmenKritikos, Alexander; Amoroso, Sara; Herrmann, Benedikt
2023The role of regulation and regional government quality for high growth firms: The good, the bad, and the uglyAmoroso, Sara; Herrmann, Benedikt; Kritikos, Alexander
2023The Role of Regulation and Regional Government Quality for High Growth Firms: The Good, the Bad, and the UglyAmoroso, Sara; Herrmann, Benedikt; Kritikos, Alexander S.