Browsing All of EconStor by Author Heidler, Matthias

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Demographics and Volatile Social Security Wealth: Political Risks of Benefit Rule Changes in GermanyBorgmann, Christoph; Heidler, Matthias
2004Intergenerational Fairness During Demographic TransitionHeidler, Matthias; Häcker, Jasmin
2005How risky is the German pension system? The volatility of the internal rates of returnHeidler, Matthias; Raffelhüschen, Bernd
2005How risky is the German pension system? The volatility of the internal rates of returnHeidler, Matthias; Raffelhüschen, Bernd
2005En route to sustainability: History, status quo and future reforms of the German public pension schemeEhrentraut, Oliver; Heidler, Matthias; Raffelhüschen, Bernd
2006Heterogenous life expectancy, adverse selection, and retirement behaviourHeidler, Matthias; Raffelhüschen, Bernd; Leifels, Arne
2007Die Generationenbilanz - Brandmelder der Zukunft, Update 2007: Demografie trifft KonjunkturHagist, Christian; Heidler, Matthias; Raffelhüschen, Bernd; Schoder, Jörg
2007Die Generationenbilanz: Brandmelder der Zukunft. Update 2007: Demografie trifft KonjunkturRaffelhüschen, Bernd; Hagist, Christian; Heidler, Matthias; Schoder, Jörg
2009Measuring accrued-to-date liabilities of public pension systems: Method, data and limitationsHeidler, Matthias; Müller, Christoph; Weddige, Olaf
2009Reformen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung: Politisches Risiko und intergenerative UmverteilungHeidler, Matthias