Browsing All of EconStor by Author Havas, Attila

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002Identifying Challenges and Developing Visions - Technology Foresight in HungaryHavas, Attila
2002Does Innovation Policy Matter in a Transition Country? – The case of HungaryHavas, Attila
2003Socio-Economic and Developmental Needs - Focus of Foresight ProgrammesHavas, Attila
2004The Socio-economic Impacts of Framework Programmes in Transition Countries - A systemic Approach of Assessment MethodsHavas, Attila; Nyiri, Lajos
2014Types of knowledge and diversity of business-academia collaborations Implications for measurement and policyHavas, Attila
2015Types of knowledge and diversity of business-academia collaborations: implications for measurement and policyHavas, Attila
2015The persistent high-tech myth in the EC policy circles: Implications for the EU10 countriesHavas, Attila
2015Various approaches to measuring business innovation: Their relevance for capturing social innovationHavas, Attila
2016The 'fit' between forward-looking activities and the innovation policy governance sub-system: A framework to explore potential impactsHavas, Attila; Weber, K. Matthias
2019Escaping from the poverty trap with social innovation: A social microcredit programme in HungaryMolnár, György; Havas, Attila
2020A multi-channel interactive learning model of social innovationHavas, Attila; Molnár, György
2021Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: Jumping ahead to 2038Daimer, Stephanie; Havas, Attila; Cuhls, Kerstin; Yorulmaz, Merve; Vrgovic, Petar
2022Innovation studies, social innovation, and sustainability transitions research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective?Havas, Attila; Schartinger, Doris; Weber, Karl Matthias
2022Social innovation: Definitions and models reconsideredHavas, Attila; Molnár, György
2022The interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activitiesWallwaey, Elisa; Havas, Attila; Cuhls, Kerstin
2023Comparative analysis of the evolution of the CE4 countries' national innovation systems and their innovation performance in 2000-2020Havas, Attila
2023Futures of the interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities in the European Union in 2035: Scenarios and policy implicationsHavas, Attila; Amann, Philipp; Letizi, Marco; Nitsch, Holger; Türkşen, Umut
2024Social innovation: (accompanying) instrument for addressing societal challenges?Weber, Karl Matthias; Giesecke, Susanne; Havas, Attila; Schartinger, Doris; Albiez, Andreas; Horak, Sophia; Blind, Knut; Bodenheimer, Miriam; Daimer, Stephanie; Shi, Liu; Stadler, Maria; Schmitz, David