Browsing All of EconStor by Author Haselmann, Rainer

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005The Introduction of the Euro and its Effects on Investment DecisionsHaselmann, Rainer; Helmut, Herwartz
2014Risk weights, lending, and financial stability: Limits to model-based capital regulationBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Vig, Vikrant
2014Pro-cyclical capital regulation and lendingBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Wachtel, Paul
2014The limits of model-based regulationBehn, Markus Wilhelm; Haselmann, Rainer; Vig, Vikrant
2014The limits of model-based regulationBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Vig, Vikrant
2015The Political Economy of Bank BailoutsHaselmann, Rainer; Kick, Thomas; Behn, Markus; Vig, Vikrant
2015Did emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) of the ECB delay the bankruptcy of Greek banks?Götz, Martin R.; Haselmann, Rainer; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Steffen, Sascha
2015Waren die ELA-Notkredite der EZB für griechische Banken eine Konkursverschleppung?Götz, Martin R.; Haselmann, Rainer; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Steffen, Sascha
2015The political economy of bank bailoutsBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Kick, Thomas; Vig, Vikrant
2016The limits of model-based regulationBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Vig, Vikrant
2016The political economy of bank bailoutsBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Kick, Thomas; Vig, Vikrant
2016Banks' internal rating models - time for a change? The "system of floors" as proposed by the Basel committeeHaselmann, Rainer; Wahrenburg, Mark
2017Rent-seeking in elite networksHaselmann, Rainer; Schoenherr, David; Vig, Vikrant
2018How demanding and consistent is the 2018 stress test design in comparison to previous exercises? Banking union scrutinyHaselmann, Rainer; Wahrenburg, Mark
2019Evaluierung gesamt- und finanzwirtschaftlicher Effekte der Reformen europäischer Finanzmarktregulierung im deutschen Finanzsektor seit der Finanzkrise: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten ErgebnisseHaselmann, Rainer; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Wahrenburg, Mark
2020The Coronavirus and financial stabilityBoot, Arnoud W. A.; Carletti, Elena; Haselmann, Rainer; Kotz, Hans-Helmut; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schaefer, Stephen M.; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2021Know Your Customer: Relationship Lending and Bank TradingHaselmann, Rainer; Leuz, Christian; Schreiber, Sebastian
2021What are the main differences between the practice of supervising large banks in the UK and in the euro area, and what are the main risks of regulatory divergence?Haselmann, Rainer; Tröger, Tobias
2021The Limits of Model-Based RegulationBehn, Markus; Haselmann, Rainer; Vig, Vikrant
2021When and how to unwind COVID-support measures to the banking system?Haselmann, Rainer; Tröger, Tobias