Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hüttel, Silke

Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Empirische Validierung von RealoptionsmodellenOdening, Martin; Mußhoff, Oliver; Hüttel, Silke
2008Estimating investment equations in imperfect capital marketsHüttel, Silke; Mußhoff, Oliver; Odening, Martin; Zinych, Nataliya
2010Land in Sicht? Strukturwandel in der deutschen MilchwirtschaftHüttel, Silke; von Schlippenbach, Vanessa
2014Wie viel Markt und wie viel Regulierung braucht eine nachhaltige Agrarentwicklung?Kirschke, Dieter; Bokelmann, Wolfgang; Hagedorn, Konrad; Hüttel, Silke
2015Steigende landwirtschaftliche Bodenpreise: Anzeichen für eine Spekulationsblase?Hüttel, Silke; Odening, Martin; von Schlippenbach, Vanessa
2015Structural change in agriculture under capacity constraints: An equilibrium approachKersting, Stefan; Hüttel, Silke; Odening, Martin
2015Do development projects link smallholders to markets?Ebata, Ayako; Hüttel, Silke
2018Farmland values and bidder behavior in first-price land auctionsCroonenbroeck, Carsten; Odening, Martin; Hüttel, Silke
2019Price dispersion in farmland markets: What is the role of asymmetric information?Kahle, Christoph; Seifert, Stefan; Hüttel, Silke
2019Revisiting the relationship between land price and parcel sizeRitter, Matthias; Hüttel, Silke; Odening, Martin; Seifert, Stefan
2019Farm eco-efficiency: Can sustainable intensification make the difference?Weltin, Meike; Hüttel, Silke
2020Common values and unobserved heterogeneity in farmland auctions in GermanySeifert, Stefan; Hüttel, Silke
2020Identifying agricultural landscape types for Brandenburg, Germany using IACS dataWolff, Saskia; Hüttel, Silke; Nendel, Claas; Lakes, Tobia
2022Sustainable Intensification Farming as an Enabler for Farm Eco-Efficiency?Weltin, Meike; Hüttel, Silke
2023Lessons from the p-value debate and the replication crisis for "open Q science" – the editor's perspective or: will the revolution devour its children?Hüttel, Silke; Hess, Sebastian
2023Organic cultivation and farmland prices: Does certification matter?Seifert, Stefan; Hüttel, Silke; Werwatz, Axel
2023Profession and residency matter: Farmers' preferences for farmland price regulation in GermanyJauernig, Johanna; Brosig, Stephan; Hüttel, Silke
2023Potenzialabschätzung von technischen Wasserspeicheroptionen, Bewässerungsansätzen und ihrer UmsetzbarkeitEbers, Niklas; Stupak, Nataliya; Hüttel, Silke; Woelfert, Mats; Müller-Thomy, Hannes
2024Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme und LandnutzungswandelPlieninger, Tobias; Brümmer, Bernhard; Colen, Liesbeth; Enneking, Ulrich; Hüttel, Silke; Kussin, Matthias; Möller, Detlev; Mußhoff, Oliver; Neu, Claudia; Recke, Guido; Spiller, Achim; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan; Thiel, Andreas; Währisch, Michael; Wollni, Meike; Yu, Xiaohua; Zander, Katrin; Zubek, Nana
2024Rental and sale prices of agricultural lands under spatial competitionGraubner, Marten; Hüttel, Silke