Browsing All of EconStor by Author Grote, Ulrike

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Zukunft der Entwicklungszusammenarbeitvon Braun, Joachim; Grote, Ulrike; Jütting, Johannes
2001Environmental and food safety standards in the context of trade liberalization: Issues and optionsGrote, Ulrike; Kirchhoff, Stefanie
2002"Development box" and special and differential treatment for food security of developing countries: Potentials, limitations and implementation issuesvon Braun, Joachim; Wobst, Peter; Grote, Ulrike
2003On export rivalry and the greening of agriculture: The role of eco-labelsBasu, Arnab K.; Chau, Nancy H.; Grote, Ulrike
2004Agricultural Policies in Vietnam : Producer Support Estimates, 1986-2002Nguyen, Hoa; Grote, Ulrike
2004Nutrient flows in agricultural production and international trade: Ecological and policy issuesCraswell, Eric T.; Grote, Ulrike; Henao, Julio; Vlek, Paul L. G.
2006The trade-off between child labor and schooling: influence of social labeling NGOs in NepalChakrabarty, Sayan; Grote, Ulrike; Lüchters, Guido
2006Migration due to the tsunami in Sri Lanka: analyzing vulnerability and migration at the household levelGrote, Ulrike; Engel, Stefanie; Schraven, Benjamin
2006Impact of labor standards on Egyptian exports with special emphasis on child laborGhoneim, Ahmed Farouk; Grote, Ulrike
2007Impact of Social Labeling on Child Labor in the Indian Carpet IndustryChakrabarty, Sayan; Grote, Ulrike
2008Growth-Trade-Environment Nexus in IndiaJena, Pradyot Ranjan; Grote, Ulrike
2009Value chain analysis methodologies in the context of environment and trade researchFaße, Anja; Grote, Ulrike; Winter, Etti
2010Determinants Influencing Adoption of Geographical Indication Certification: The Case of Rice Cultivation in ThailandNgokkuen, Chuthaporn; Grote, Ulrike
2010The Canola Oil Industry and EU Trade Integration: A Gravity Model ApproachRöttgers, Dirk; Faße, Anja; Grote, Ulrike
2011Forest coffee certification in Ethiopia: Economic boon or ecological bane?Stellmacher, Till; Grote, Ulrike
2015Rural livelihood strategies in Cambodia: Evidence from a household survey in Stung TrengBühler, Dorothee; Grote, Ulrike; Hartje, Rebecca; Ker, Bopha; Lam, Do Truong; Nguyen, Loc Duc; Nguyen, Trung Thanh; Tong, Kimsun
2016Rural crime in developing countries: Theoretical framework, empirical findings, research needsGrote, Ulrike; Neubacher, Frank
2016Changing livelihoods in rural Cambodia: Evidence from panel household data in Stung TrengSharma, Rasadhika; Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Grote, Ulrike; Nguyen, Trung Thanh
2017Rural-urban migration, welfare and employment: Comparing results from Thailand and VietnamGrote, Ulrike; Waibel, Hermann
2017Staying in the cities or returning home? An analysis of the rural-urban migration behavior in VietnamNguyen, Loc Duc; Grote, Ulrike; Sharma, Rasadhika