Browsing All of EconStor by Author Gretschko, Vitali

Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Auctions vs. negotiations: The case of favoritismGretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2013Auctions vs. Negotiations: The Case of FavoritismWambach, Achim; Gretschko, Vitali
2015Common Values and the Coase Conjecture: Inefficiencies in Frictionless Contract (Re-)NegotiationGretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2016Beschaffungskonflikte: Volkswagen und seine ZuliefererGretschko, Vitali; Fugger, Nicolas; Gillen, Philippe
2016Bargaining in Spectrum Auctions: A Review of the German Auction in 2015Gretschko, Vitali; Bichler, Martin; Janssen, Maarten
2017Imitation perfection: A simple rule to prevent discrimination in procurementMass, Helene; Fugger, Nicolas; Gretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2017Imitation perfection - a simple rule to prevent discrimination in procurementMass, Helene; Fugger, Nicolas; Gretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2017Contract (re-)negotiation with private and common valuesGretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2018Endogenous worst-case beliefs in first-price auctionsGretschko, Vitali; Mass, Helene
2018Contract design with limited commitmentGretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2019Sequential procurement with limited commitmentFugger, Nicolas; Gretschko, Vitali; Pollrich, Martin
2019Incomplete contracts in dynamic procurementGretschko, Vitali; Pollrich, Martin
2021Ein flexibles Vergütungskonzept für Mediziner hilft, Herdenimmunität gegen COVID-19 zu erreichenGretschko, Vitali; Ott, Marion
2021Stellungnahme zu Grundsätzen und Szenarien für die Bereitstellung der MobilfunkfrequenzenGretschko, Vitali; Wambach, Achim
2021Social norms and market behavior: Evidence from a large population sampleRiehm, Tobias; Fugger, Nicolas; Gillen, Philippe; Gretschko, Vitali; Werner, Peter
2023Empfehlungen für das Marktdesign zur Befüllung der GasspeicherGretschko, Vitali; Ockenfels, Axel
2023Empfehlungen für das Marktdesign zur Befüllung der GasspeicherGretschko, Vitali; Ockenfels, Axel
2024Worst-case equilibria in first-price auctionsGretschko, Vitali; Mass, Helene
2024Das Verhandlungsgebot im Telekommunikationsmarkt: Analyse und DesignempfehlungenGretschko, Vitali; Ockenfels, Axel; Wambach, Achim