Browsing All of EconStor by Author Gill, David

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009A structural analysis of disappointment aversion in a real effort competitionGill, David; Prowse, Victoria
2010Gender differences and dynamics in competition: The role of luckGill, David; Prowse, Victoria
2011A novel computerized real effort task based on slidersGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2012Cheating in the workplace: An experimental study of the impact of bonuses and productivityGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.; Vlassopoulos, Michael
2014Cognitive Ability, Character Skills, and Learning to Play Equilibrium: A Level-k AnalysisGill, David; Prowse, Victoria
2014Desert and Inequity Aversion in TeamsGill, David; Stone, Rebecca
2014Gender differences and dynamics in competition: The role of luckGill, David; Prowse, Victoria
2015First-Place Loving and Last-Place Loathing: How Rank in the Distribution of Performance Affects Effort ProvisionGill, David; Kissová, Zdenka; Lee, Jaesun; Prowse, Victoria L.
2016Using Goals to Motivate College Students: Theory and Evidence from Field ExperimentsClark, Damon; Gill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.; Rush, Mark
2017Using Response Times to Measure Strategic Complexity and the Value of Thinking in GamesGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2018Cognitive Skills and the Development of Strategic SophisticationFe, Eduardo; Gill, David
2018Measuring Costly Effort Using the Slider TaskGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2020Cognitive Skills, Strategic Sophistication, and Life OutcomesFe, Eduardo; Gill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2021The Creativity PremiumGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2022Strategic Complexity and the Value of ThinkingGill, David; Prowse, Victoria L.
2022Beliefs, Learning, and Personality in the Indefinitely Repeated Prisoner's DilemmaGill, David; Rosokha, Yaroslav
2024How Cognitive Skills Affect Strategic Behavior: Cognitive Ability, Fluid Intelligence and JudgmentGill, David; Knepper, Zachary; Prowse, Victoria L.; Zhou, Junya