Browsing All of EconStor by Author Gessler, Michael
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Vocational Didactics: Core Assumptions and Approaches from Denmark, Germany, Norway, Spain and Sweden | Gessler, Michael; Moreno Herrera, Lázaro |
2015 | From the Reality of Work to Grounded Work-Based Learning in German Vocational Education and Training: Background, Concept and Tools | Gessler, Michael; Howe, Falk |
2017 | The lack of collaboration between companies and schools in the German dual apprenticeship system: Historical background and recent data | Gessler, Michael |
2020 | Umbrella review: Methodological review of reviews published in peer-reviewed journals with a substantial focus on vocational education and training research | Gessler, Michael; Siemer, Christine |
2021 | Scoping review on research at the boundary between learning and working: A bibliometric mapping analysis of the last decade | Gessler, Michael; Nägele, Christof; Stalder, Barbara |
2021 | International vocational education and training research: An introduction to the special issue | Gessler, Michael; Bohlinger, Sandra; Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga |
2022 | Dual apprenticeship and continuing vocational education and training in Central and Eastern Europe: Opportunities and obstacles for German family businesses | Gessler, Michael; Peters, Susanne |
2023 | Duale Ausbildung und Weiterbildung in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Chancen und Hindernisse für deutsche Familienunternehmen | Gessler, Michael; Peters, Susanne |