Browsing All of EconStor by Author Gürtler, Oliver

Showing results 1 to 20 of 49
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Rent seeking in sequential group contestsGürtler, Oliver
2005A Note on Sabotage in Collective TournamentsGürtler, Oliver
2005A rationale for the coexistence of central and decentral marketing in team sportsGürtler, Oliver
2005Rent seeking in sequential group contestsGürtler, Oliver
2005On Strategic Enabling of Product Piracy in the Market for Video GamesGürtler, Oliver
2005On Delegation under Relational ContractsGürtler, Oliver
2005Are 18 holes enough for Tiger Woods?Gürtler, Oliver
2005Are 18 holes enough for Tiger Woods?Gürtler, Oliver
2005An Empirical Study on Risk Taking in TournamentsGrund, Christian; Gürtler, Oliver
2006Optimal Ownership Structures in the Presence of Investment SignalsGürtler, Oliver
2006Mergers, Litigation and EfficiencyGürtler, Oliver; Kräkel, Matthias
2006Haggling for Rents, Relational Contracts, and the Theory of the FirmGürtler, Oliver
2006On Delegation under Relational ContractsGürtler, Oliver
2006Contractual Incentive Provision and Commitment in Rent-Seeking ContestsGürtler, Oliver
2006The Effect of Reputation on Selling Prices in AuctionsGürtler, Oliver; Grund, Christian
2006Job Promotion Tournaments and Imperfect RecallGürtler, Oliver
2006Implicit Contracts: Two Different ApproachesGürtler, Oliver
2006Mergers, Litigation and EfficiencyGürtler, Oliver; Kräkel, Matthias
2006Software Piracy in the Video Game MarketGürtler, Oliver
2007Double-Sided Moral Hazard, Efficiency Wages and LitigationGürtler, Oliver; Kräkel, Matthias