Browsing All of EconStor by Author Frohberg, Klaus
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Comparing measures of competitiveness | Frohberg, Klaus; Hartmann, Monika |
1997 | Promoting CEA agricultural exports through association agreements with the EU: why it is not working | Frohberg, Klaus; Hartmann, Monika |
2000 | Documentation of the Central and Eastern European Countries Agricultural Simulation Model (CEEC-ASIM Version 1.0) | Wahl, Olaf; Weber, Gerald; Frohberg, Klaus |
2001 | Konsequenzen der Integration im Agrar- und Ernährungssektor zwischen Beitrittsländern und EU-15 | Frohberg, Klaus; Hartmann, Monika |
2002 | Financing the enlargement of the European Union | Lippert, Barbara; Bode, Wolfgang; Frohberg, Klaus; Hartmann, Monika; Heinemann, Friedrich; Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, Elżbieta |
2002 | Auswirkungen der EU-Osterweiterung im Agrarbereich | Frohberg, Klaus; Weber, Gerald |
2003 | Subsistence agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: how to break the vicious circle? | Abele, Steffen; Frohberg, Klaus |
2003 | Quantitative analysis of the impacts of Croatia's agricultural trade policy on the agri-food sector | Weingarten, Peter; Frohberg, Klaus; Winter, Etti; Schreiber, Catrin |
2004 | Black-Box Frontiers and Implications for Development Policy : Theoretical Considerations | Sauer, Johannes; Frohberg, Klaus; Hockmann, Heinrich |
2004 | Modeling the impact of fiscal decentralization on health outcomes : empirical evidence from India | James, K.S.; Frohberg, Klaus; Asfaw, Abay; Jütting, Johannes P. |
2009 | Croatia's EU accession: socio-economic assessment of farm households and policy recommendations | Möllers, Judith; Zier, Patrick; Frohberg, Klaus; Buchenrieder, Gertrud; Bojnec, Štefan |