Browsing All of EconStor by Author Friesenbichler, Klaus S.

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Innovation and Market Concentration in Europe's Mobile Phone Industries. Evidence from the Transition from 2G to 3GFriesenbichler, Klaus S.
2012Kommunikationsinfrastruktur: Verfügbarkeit in Österreich und Anwendungspotential im SozialbereichFriesenbichler, Klaus S.
2014Does Accession to the European Union Foster Competition Policy? Country-level EvidenceBöheim, Michael; Friesenbichler, Klaus S.
2014EU Accession, Domestic Market Competition and Total Factor Productivity. Firm Level EvidenceFriesenbichler, Klaus S.
2014Market Competition in Transition Economies: A Literature ReviewFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Böheim, Michael; Laster, Daphne Channa
2016Inflation and broadband revisited: Evidence from an OECD panelFriesenbichler, Klaus S.
2016Innovation, competition and productivity: Firm level evidence for Eastern Europe and Central AsiaFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Peneder, Michael
2017Tradability and productivity growth differentials across EU member statesFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Glocker, Christian
2019What explains aggregate telecom investments? Evidence from an EU-OECD panelFriesenbichler, Klaus S.
2020Better Exports: Technologie-, Qualitätsaspekte und Innovation des österreichischen Außenhandels im Kontext der DigitalisierungReinstaller, Andreas; Friesenbichler, Klaus S.
2020High-growth firm shares in Austrian regions: The role of economic structuresFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Hölzl, Werner
2020Does value chain integration dampen producer price developments? Evidence from the European UnionFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Kügler, Agnes; Reinstaller, Andreas
2021Labour market effects of trade in a small open economyKügler, Agnes; Friesenbichler, Klaus S.; Hirsch, Cornelius
2021The impact of import competition from China on firm-level productivity growth in the EUFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Kügler, Agnes; Reinstaller, Andreas
2021Do firms facing competitors from emerging markets behave differently? Evidence from Austrian manufacturing firmsFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Reinstaller, Andreas
2021Servitization across countries and sectors: Evidence from world input-output dataFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Kügler, Agnes
2022Can value chain integration explain the diverging economic performance within the EU?Kügler, Agnes; Reinstaller, Andreas; Friesenbichler, Klaus S.
2022Small and internationalised firms competing with Chinese exportersFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Reinstaller, Andreas
2023Intangible capital as a production factor: Firm-level evidence from Austrian microdataFriesenbichler, Klaus S.; Kügler, Agnes; Schieber-Knöbl, Julia
2024Designing EU supply chain regulationFelbermayr, Gabriel; Friesenbichler, Klaus S.; Gerschberger, Markus; Klimek, Peter; Meyer, Birgit