Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Freytag, Andreas

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2001Why have some monetary reforms succeeded and others not? An empirical assessmentFreytag, Andreas
2003Entgeltregulierung in der Telekommunikation: Überlegungen für ein neues KonzeptFreytag, Andreas; Winkler, Klaus
2006Debt relief and changing governance structures in developing countriesFreytag, Andreas; Pehnelt, Gernot
2007Biodiversity, international tourism and developmentFreytag, Andreas; Vietze, Christoph
2007Monetary commitment, institutional constraints and inflation: empirical evidence for OECD countries since the 1970sFreytag, Andreas; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2007The Rome Treaty at 50: More honoured in the breach than in the observance?Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Pehnelt, Gernot
2007Monetary commitment, institutional constraints and inflation: empirical evidence for OECD countries since the 1970sFreytag, Andreas; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2007Germany and the G-8 presidencyErixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas
2008After the Crisis is before the Crisis: The Political Economy of Debt ReliefFreytag, Andreas; Pehnelt, G.
2008That Chinese "juggernaut": Should Europe really worry about its trade deficit with China?Freytag, Andreas
2008Konstitutionelle Grundlagen globalisierter Finanzmärkte - Stabilität und Wandel. Stand und Perspektiven der ForschungFreytag, Andreas; Bayer, Walter; Dietrich, Diemo; Jung, Robert; Klein, Martin; Lehmann, Matthias; Ohler, Christoph; Ruffert, Matthias; Schnabl, Gunther; Tietje, Christian
2008Strategic trade policy as response to climate change?Freytag, Andreas; Wangler, Leo
2009Geographic allocation of OSS contributions: the role of institutions and culturevon Engelhardt, Sebastian; Freytag, Andreas
2009Minimum participation rules with heterogeneous countriesWeikard, Hans-Peter; Wangler, Leo; Freytag, Andreas
2009Folgen der Finanzkrise für die globalen WirtschaftsbeziehungenSchnabl, Gunther; Matthes, Jürgen; Finger, K. Michael; Freytag, Andreas; Voll, Sebastian
2009What drives biodiversity?: an empirical assessment of the relation between biodiversity and the economyFreytag, Andreas; Vietze, Christoph; Völkl, Wolfgang
2009Global Financial Crisis, Protectionism and Current Account Deficit: South Africa on the Brink?Freytag, Andreas; Voll, Sebastian; Draper, Peter
2009Entrepreneurs' acceptance of formal institutions: a cross-country analysisFreytag, Andreas; Noseleit, Florian
2009The origins of terrorism cross-country estimates on socio-economic determinants of terrorismFreytag, Andreas; Krüger, Jens J.; Meierrieks, Daniel; Schneider, Friedrich G.
2009The dynamics of structural change: the European Union's trade with ChinaDettmer, Bianka; Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Legault Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier