Browsing All of EconStor by Author Fossen, Frank M.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 89
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006Risk attitudes of nascent entrepreneurs: new evidence from an experimentally-validated surveyCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2006Risk Attitudes of Nascent Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from an Experimentally-Validated SurveyCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2006Income taxes and entrepreneurial choice: empirical evidence from GermanyFossen, Frank M.; Steiner, Viktor
2006Risk Attitudes of Nascent Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from an Experimentally Validated SurveyCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2006Income Taxes and Entrepreneurial Choice: Empirical Evidence from GermanyFossen, Frank M.; Steiner, Viktor
2007Risky Earnings, Taxation and Entrepreneurial Choice: A Microeconometric Model for GermanyFossen, Frank M.
2007Aufkommens- und Verteilungseffekte der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008: eine Analyse mit dem Unternehmensteuer-Mikrosimulationsmodell BizTaxBach, Stefan; Buslei, Hermann; Dwenger, Nadja; Fossen, Frank M.
2007How should local governments tax local business? Lessons from an international comparison and a microsimulation analysis for GermanyFossen, Frank M.; Bach, Stefan
2007Risky earnings, taxation and entrepreneurial choice: a microeconometric model for GermanyFossen, Frank M.
2008The private equity premium puzzle revisited: new evidence on the role of heterogeneous risk attitudesFossen, Frank M.
2008The impact of risk attitudes on entrepreneurial survivalCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2008Would a flat tax stimulate entrepreneurship in Germany? A behavioural microsimulation analysis allowing for riskFossen, Frank M.
2008Sollen Freiberufler und Landwirte Gewerbesteuer zahlen? Steuersystematische Überlegungen und empirische WirkungsanalysenBach, Stefan; Broer, Michael; Fossen, Frank M.
2008The impact of risk attitudes on entrepreneurial survivalCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2008The Impact of Risk Attitudes on Entrepreneurial SurvivalCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2008Grundlegende Gewerbesteuerreformen haben deutliche UmverteilungswirkungenBach, Stefan; Fossen, Frank M.
2008Risikobereitschaft und UnternehmenserfolgCaliendo, Marco; Fossen, Frank M.; Kritikos, Alexander S.
2009Precautionary and Entrepreneurial Saving: New Evidence from German HouseholdsFossen, Frank M.; Rostam-Afschar, Davud
2009Precautionary and entrepreneurial saving: new evidence from German householdsFossen, Frank M.; Rostam-Afschar, Davud
2009Expected future earnings, taxation, and university enrollment: a microeconometric model with uncertaintyFossen, Frank M.; Glocker, Daniela