Browsing All of EconStor by Author Foguel, Miguel Nathan
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2001 | Decisões críticas em idades críticas: A escolha dos jovens entre estudo e trabalho no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina | Corseuil, Carlos Henrique; dos Santos, Daniel Domingues; Foguel, Miguel Nathan |
2001 | Os incentivos adversos e a focalização dos programas de proteção ao trabalhador no Brasil | de Barros, Ricardo Paes; Corseuil, Carlos Henrique; Foguel, Miguel Nathan |
2013 | The impact of the expansion of the Bolsa Família programme on the time allocation of youths and labour supply of adults | Chitolina, Lia; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Menezes-Filho, Naercio |
2015 | Agrupando unidades de sistemas de serviços públicos | Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Veloso, Fernando |
2015 | The impacts of the minimum wage on the labor market, poverty and fiscal budget in Brazil | Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Ramos, Lauro R. A.; Carneiro, Francisco Galrão |
2015 | The public-private wage gap in Brazil | Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Gill, Indermit Singh; Pinto de Mendonça, Rosane Silva; de Barros, Ricardo Paes |
2017 | The Brazilian government severance indemnity fund for employees (FGTS) and unemployment insurance savings accounts in other countries: A comparative analysis of their effects on the labour market | Barbosa, Ana Luiza Neves de Holanda; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Bilo, Charlotte |
2019 | Productivity and youth engagement in Brazil: Assessing schooling and labor market decisions | Franca, Maíra; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Costa, Joana Simões; Almeida, Rita |
2021 | Avaliação de impacto do Programa de Geração de Emprego e Renda (PROGER) | Corseuil, Carlos Henrique; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Russo, Felipe Mendonça |
2021 | Desigualdade, desequilíbrio e ajuste em sistema de previdência por repartição | Moreira, Ajax Reynaldo Bello; Ferreira, Sérgio Guimarães; Foguel, Miguel Nathan |
2021 | Current unemployment variance decomposition and consequences of using proxies | Corseuil, Carlos Henrique; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Moreira, Ajax |
2022 | Imbalance, inequality, equity, and adjustment in Pay-As-You-Go pension systems in developing countries: An empirical analysis with data from Brazil | Moreira, Ajax; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Ferreira, Sérgio Guimarães |
2023 | Unemployment dynamics with informality: An empirical analysis for a developing country | Corseuil, Carlos Henrique; Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Moreira, Ajax |
2023 | Features and determinants of the firm size distribution: An enpirical analysis with Brazilian data | Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Ribeiro, Eduardo Pontual |
2024 | Labor enforcement and formal employment: The effects of communication and punishment | Foguel, Miguel Nathan; Corseuil, Carlos Henrique |