Browsing All of EconStor by Author Fisher, Walter H.

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Congestion and public capitalFisher, Walter H.; Turnovsky, Stephen J.
1999Conspicuous consumption, economic growth, and taxation: A generalizationFisher, Walter H.; Hof, Franz X.
2000Relative consumption and endogenous labour supply in the Ramsey model: Do status-conscious people work too much?Fisher, Walter H.; Hof, Franz X.
2000Public policy for efficient educationFisher, Walter H.; Keuschnigg, Christian
2001Intertemporal budget policies and macroeconomic adjustment in a small open economyFisher, Walter H.; Bianconi, Marcelo
2001Status seeking in the small open economyFisher, Walter H.; Hof, Franz X.
2001Current account dynamics in a small open economy model of status seekingFisher, Walter H.
2001Status preference, wealth, and dynamics in the open economyFisher, Walter H.
2002Investment and current account dynamics in an open economy status seeking frameworkFisher, Walter H.
2004Imports, status preference, and foreign borrowingFisher, Walter H.
2005The quest for status and endogenous labor supply: The relative wealth frameworkFisher, Walter H.; Hof, Franz X.
2007Pension reform and labor market incentivesFisher, Walter H.; Keuschnigg, Christian
2007Keeping up with the ageing JonesesFisher, Walter H.; Heijdra, Ben J.
2007Pension reform and labor market incentivesFisher, Walter H.; Keuschnigg, Christian
2008Growth and the ageing JonesesFisher, Walter H.; Heijdra, Ben J.
2011Intertemporal budget policies and macroeconomic adjustment in indebted open economiesBianconi, Marcelo; Fisher, Walter H.
2011Life-cycle unemployment, retirement, and parametric pension reformFisher, Walter H.; Keuschnigg, Christian