Browsing All of EconStor by Author Feld, Lars P.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 256
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1995Fiskalischer Wettbewerb in der EU: Wird der Wohlfahrtsstaat zusammenbrechen?Feld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard
1997Umweltgemeingüter?Ostmann, Axel; Pommerehne, Werner W.; Feld, Lars P.; Hart, Albert
2000Budget Referendums and Government Spending: Evidence from SwissFeld, Lars P.; Matsusaka, John G.
2000Trust Breeds Trust: How Taxpayers are TreatedFeld, Lars P.; Frey, Bruno S.
2000Income Tax Competition at the State and Local Level in SwitzerlandFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard
2001The Impact of Corporate and Personal Income Taxes on the Location of Firms and on Employment: Some Panel Evidence for the Swiss CantonsFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard
2001On Government Centralization and Budget Referendums: Evidence from SwitzerlandSchaltegger, Christoph A.; Feld, Lars P.
2002Deterrence and Morale in Taxation: An Empirical AnalysisFrey, Bruno S.; Feld, Lars P.
2002Book Review: Welfare and Employment in a United EuropeFeld, Lars P.
2002Why People Obey the Law: Experimental Evidence from the Provision of Public GoodsFeld, Lars P.; Tyran, Jean-Robert
2003The Role of Direct Democracy in the European UnionFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard
2003Decentralized Taxation and the Size of Government: Evidence from Swiss State and Local GovernmentsFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard; Schaltegger, Christoph A.
2003La décentralisation fiscale en Suisse, quelles conséquences en termes de concurrence fiscale, redistribution, fourniture de services publics et développement régional?Feld, Lars P.; Reulier, Emmanuelle
2003Economic Growth and Judicial Independence: Cross Country Evidence Using a New Set of IndicatorsFeld, Lars P.; Voigt, Stefan
2003Föderalismus, Dezentralität und WirtschaftswachstumFeld, Lars P.; Zimmermann, Horst; Döring, Thomas
2004Sustainable Fiscal Policy in a Federal System: Switzerland as an ExampleFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgassner, Gebhard
2004Do Large Cabinets Favor Large Governments? Evidence from Swiss Sub-federal JurisdictionsSchaltegger, Christoph A.; Feld, Lars P.
2004The role of direct democracy in the European UnionFeld, Lars P.; Kirchgässner, Gebhard
2004On tax competition: the (un-)expected advantages of decentralized fiscal autonomyFeld, Lars P.
2004Voters as a hard budget constraint: on the determination of intergovernmental grantsFeld, Lars P.; Schaltegger, Christoph A.