Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Fahn, Matthias

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2011Household relational contracts for marriage, fertility and divorceFahn, Matthias; Rees, Ray
2014Teamwork as a Self-Disciplining DeviceFahn, Matthias; Hakenes, Hendrik
2014The Commitment Role of Equity FinancingFahn, Matthias; Merlo, Valeria; Wamser, Georg
2014Minimum Wages and Relational ContractsFahn, Matthias
2014Household Relational Contracts for Marriage, Fertility and DivorceFahn, Matthias; Rees, Ray
2014How Blackwater Takes Uncle Sam for a Ride - and Why He Likes It. A Model of Moral Hazard and Limited CommitmentFahn, Matthias; Hadjer, Tahmina Sadat
2015Size Matters - "Over"investments in a Relational Contracting SettingEnglmaier, Florian; Fahn, Matthias
2015Size matters: "Over"investments in a relational contracting settingEnglmaier, Florian; Fahn, Matthias
2016Minimum Wages and Relational ContractsFahn, Matthias
2016Minimum Wages and Relational ContractsFahn, Matthias
2016Long-Term Employment Relations when Agents are Present BiasedEnglmaier, Florian; Fahn, Matthias; Schwarz, Marco A.
2017Relational contracts with private information on the future value of the relationship: The upside of implicit downsizing costsFahn, Matthias; Klein, Nicolas Alexandre
2017Long-Term Employment Relations when Agents Are Present BiasedEnglmaier, Florian; Fahn, Matthias; Schwarz, Marco A.
2017The commitment role of equity financingFahn, Matthias; Wamser, Georg; Merlo, Valeria
2017The Commitment Role of Equity FinancingFahn, Matthias; Wamser, Georg; Merlo, Valeria
2017Relational Contracts with Private Information on the Future Value of the Relationship: The Upside of Implicit Downsizing CostsFahn, Matthias; Klein, Nicolas
2017Relational contracts, the cost of enforcing formal contracts, and capital structure choice: Theory and evidenceFahn, Matthias; Wamser, Georg; Merlo, Valeria
2017Gift exchange vs. repeated interaction as a source of reciprocal behaviorFahn, Matthias; Schade, Anne; Schüßler, Katharina
2017Teamwork as a self-disciplining deviceFahn, Matthias; Hakenes, Hendrik
2017What Drives Reciprocal Behavior? The Optimal Provision of Incentives over the Course of CareersFahn, Matthias; Schade, Anne; Schüßler, Katharina