Browsing All of EconStor by Author Fagan, Colette
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1999 | Tackling youth unemployment in East-Central Europe | Roberts, Kenneth; Fagan, Colette; Foti, Klara; Jung, Bohdan H.; Kovačeva, Sijka; Macháček, Ladislav |
2000 | The new East's new businesses: Heart of the labor market problem and/or part of the solution? | Roberts, Kenneth; Fagan, Colette; Tholen, J.; Macháček, Ladislav; Kovačeva, Sijka; Jung, Bohdan H.; Kurzynowski, A.; Szumlicz, T.; Fóti, Klára |
2005 | Job opportunities for whom? Labour market dynamics and service sector employment growth in Germany and Britain | Fagan, Colette; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Halpin, Brendan |
2005 | Service Sector Employment in Germany and the UK | Fagan, Colette; Halpin, Brendan; O'Reilly, Jacqueline |
2017 | Making work more equal: A new labour market segmentation approach | Grimshaw, Damian; Fagan, Colette; Hebson, Gail; Tavora, Isabel |