Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Eschelbach, Martina
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2009 | Crown Princes and Benjamins: Birth Order and Educational Attainment in East and West Germany | Eschelbach, Martina |
2011 | Labor supply after normal retirement age in Germany A fourth pillar of retirement income? | Eschelbach, Martina |
2013 | Precautionary motives in short-term cash management: Evidence from German POS transactions | Eschelbach, Martina; Schmidt, Tobias |
2013 | Cash management and payment choices: A simulation model with international comparisons | Arango, Carlos; Bouhdaoui, Yassine; Bounie, David; Eschelbach, Martina; Hernández, Lola |
2014 | Cash management and payment choices: A simulation model with international comparisons | Arango, Carlos; Bouhdaoui, Yassine; Bounie, David; Eschelbach, Martina; Hernández, Lola |
2015 | Cash management and payment choices: a simulation model with international comparisons | Arango, Carlos; Bouhdaoui, Yassine; Bounie, David; Eschelbach, Martina; Hernandez, Lola |
2016 | Does banknote quality affect counterfeit detection? Experimental evidence from Germany and the Netherlands | van der Horst, Frank; Eschelbach, Martina; Sieber, Susann; Miedema, Jelle |
2016 | Cash management and payment choices: a simulation model with international comparisons | Arango, Carlos; Bouhdaoui, Yassine; Bounie, David; Eschelbach, Martina; Hernández, Lola |
2017 | Pay cash, buy less trash? – Evidence from German payment diary data | Eschelbach, Martina |