Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Erixon, Fredrik

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2007The Rome Treaty at 50: More honoured in the breach than in the observance?Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Pehnelt, Gernot
2007Germany and the G-8 presidencyErixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas
2008The Baltic tiger: The political economy of Estonia's transition from plan to marketErixon, Fredrik
2008An EU-China trade dialogue: A new policy framework to contain deteriorating trade relationsDreyer, Iana; Erixon, Fredrik
2008From Twin Towers to Fawlty Towers: The story of the Doha RoundErixon, Fredrik
2008Europe's energy dependency and Russia's commercial assertivenessErixon, Fredrik
2008Sweden: From free trade to protectionism?Davis, Lucy; Erixon, Fredrik
2008Globalization, earnings and consumer prices: Taking stock of the benefits from global economic integrationErixon, Fredrik
2008The health of nations: Conceptualizing approaches to trade in health careDavis, Lucy; Erixon, Fredrik
2009Green protectionism in the European Union: How Europe's biofuels policy and the renewable energy directive violate WTO commitmentsErixon, Fredrik; Abbott, Roderick
2009A new trade agenda for transatlantic economic cooperationErixon, Fredrik; Pehnelt, Gernot
2009Containing creeping protectionism: A realist agenda for the G20Erixon, Fredrik
2009Protectionism online: Internet censorship and international trade lawErixon, Fredrik; Hindley, Brian; Lee-Makiyama, Hosuk
2009The dynamics of structural change: the European Union's trade with ChinaDettmer, Bianka; Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Legault Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier
2010The case against Europe's 2020 agendaErixon, Fredrik
2010Ukraine after the crisis: Recovery and reform, not revolution or RussificationErixon, Fredrik
2010Vested and invested interests: The role of investment protection in EU-Russia relationsErixon, Fredrik; Dreyer, Iana
2010A transatlantic zero agreement: Estimating the gains from transatlantic free trade in goodsErixon, Fredrik; Bauer, Matthias
2010Stepping into Asia's growth markets: Dispelling myths about the EU-Korea free trade agreementErixon, Fredrik; Lee-Makiyama, Hosuk
2010The quest for gas market competition fighting Europe's dependency on Russian gas more effectivelyDreyer, Iana; Erixon, Fredrik; Winkler, Robin