Browsing All of EconStor by Author Eppel, Rainer

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011New Social Risks Affecting Children. A Survey of Risk Determinants and Child Outcomes in the EUEppel, Rainer; Leoni, Thomas
2013Do Wage Subsidies Work in Boosting Economic Inclusion? Evidence on Effect Heterogeneity in AustriaEppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2013Women's Work and Family Profiles over the Lifecourse and their Subsequent Health Outcomes. Evidence for EuropeLeoni, Thomas; Eppel, Rainer
2014Job Search Behaviour and Job Search Success of the UnemployedEppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut; Weber, Andrea
2014The Effects of a Job Creation Scheme. Evidence from Regional Variation in Programme CapacitiesEppel, Rainer
2017Intensivere Betreuung durch mehr Beratungspersonal verkürzt die Arbeitslosigkeit: Zentrale Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojektes des AMSBöheim, René; Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2017Die Auswirkungen temporärer Layoffs auf die weitere Erwerbskarriere der betroffenen ArbeitskräfteEppel, Rainer; Horvath, Thomas; Mahringer, Helmut
2017Einsatz und Wirkung aktiver arbeitsmarktpolitischer Massnahmen für Personen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen: Eine Evaluierung für OberösterreichEppel, Rainer; Leoni, Thomas; Mahringer, Helmut; Hausegger, Trude; Reidl, Christine; Weber, Friederike
2022More caseworkers shorten unemployment durations and save costsBöheim, René; Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2022More caseworkers shorten unemployment durations and save costs: Results from a field experiment in an Austrian public employment officeBöheim, René; Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2022The effects of more intensive counselling for disadvantaged unemployed youthEppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2023The impact of lower caseloads in public employment services on the unemployedBöheim, René; Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2024Impact evaluation of a new counselling and support programme for unemployed with multiple placement obstaclesBöheim, René; Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut
2024Active labour market policies: What works for the long-term unemployed?Eppel, Rainer; Huemer, Ulrike; Mahringer, Helmut; Schmoigl, Lukas
2025Statistical profiling as a targeting tool: Can it enhance the efficiency of active labor market policies?Eppel, Rainer; Huemer, Ulrike; Mahringer, Helmut; Schmoigl, Lukas