Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Dinu, Vasile

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2009Reasons for a standardized approach of the occupations in the commercial fieldDinu, Vasile
2010Responsible Commercial Activity Of Smes And Specific Values Of Sustainable Development In Terms Of The European Excellence ModelOlaru, Marieta; Dinu, Vasile; Stoleriu, Ghiorghiţa; Şandru, Diana; Dincă, Violeta
2010Human Factor's Involvement in the Consumer Protection ManagementPetrescu, Ion; Dinu, Vasile; Ştefănescu, Camelia; Dobrescu, Eugen
2010Education and Training Needs in the Field of Consumer Protection in the Lower Danube RegionDinu, Vasile; Marchevski, Ivan; Dobrescu, Eugen; Petrescu, Raluca Mariana
2011The Knowledge - Based Economy: Implications for Higher Education in Economics and BusinessDinu, Vasile
2011Corporate Social Responsibility – Opportunity for Reconciliation between Economical Interests and Social and Environmental InterestsDinu, Vasile
2012Attitude of Romanian Consumers Related to Products' Ecological LabellingDinu, Vasile; Schileru, Ion; Atanase, Anca
2012Romania Foreign Trade in Global Recession, Revealed by the Extended Method of Exchange Rate IndicatorsSăvoiu, Gheorghe; Dinu, Vasile; Tăchiciu, Laurenţiu
2012Consumers' Education and Information from the Perspective of Their Awareness and Ecological BehaviourDinu, Vasile
2014The Protection of the Consumers Rights in an Era of Technological Changes and GlobalizationDinu, Vasile
2015Retail innovation technologiesDinu, Vasile
2015Economic paradoxism and meson economicsSăvoiu, Gheorghe; Dinu, Vasile
2015Study on the Open Innovation Practices in Romanian SMEsOlaru, Marieta; Dinu, Vasile; Keppler, Timo; Mocan, Bogdan; Mateiu, Alexander
2016The constraints to the economic development in the former socialist EU countries from the Central and Eastern EuropeDinu, Vasile
2017Quality Management and Business ExcellenceDinu, Vasile
2017Total quality management: A way to manage organizations centred on qualityDinu, Vasile
2017Competition's Policy – a Tool to Protect Consumer's Rights and InterestsDinu, Vasile
2018Food safety in the context of the European UnionDinu, Vasile
2019The transition to bioeconomyDinu, Vasile
2019Social responsibility code: Instrument for better correlation of policies in the field of bio-economyDinu, Vasile