Browsing All of EconStor by Author Delfgaauw, Josse

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002From Public Monopsony to Competitive Market: More Efficiency but Higher PricesDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert A.J.
2002Signaling and Screening of Workers' MotivationDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert A.J.
2003From Public Monopsony to Competitive Market: More Efficiency but Higher PricesDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2003Signaling and Screening of Workers' motivationDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2004Incentives and Workers' Motivation in the Public SectorDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2004Incentives and workers' motivation in the public sectorDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2005Where to go? Workers' Reasons to quit and Intra- versus Interindustry Job MobilityDelfgaauw, Josse
2005The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Job Search: Not just whether, but also whereDelfgaauw, Josse
2007Dedicated Doctors: Public and Private Provision of Health Care with Altruistic PhysiciansDelfgaauw, Josse
2008Managerial talent, motivation, and self-selection into public managementDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2008Managerial Talent, Motivation, and Self-Selection into Public ManagementDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2009Tournament Incentives in the Field: Gender Differences in the WorkplaceDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Sol, Joeri; Verbeke, Willem
2009Tournament incentives in the field: gender differences in the workplaceDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Sol, Joeri; Verbeke, Willem
2010Managerial talent, motivation, and self-selection into public managementDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert
2010Dynamic Incentive Effects of Relative Performance Pay: A Field ExperimentDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Non, Arjan; Verbeke, Willem
2011Management Practices: Are Not For Profits Different?Delfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Propper, Carol; Smith, Sarah
2011The Effects of Prize Spread and Noise in Elimination Tournaments: A Natural Field ExperimentDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Non, Arjan; Verbeke, Willem
2012Public sector employees: Risk averse and altruistic?Buurman, Margaretha; Delfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; van den Bossche, Seth
2012The effects of prize spread and noise in elimination tournaments: A natural field experimentDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Non, Arjan; Verbeke, Willem
2013Dynamic Incentive Effects of Relative Performance Pay: A Field ExperimentDelfgaauw, Josse; Dur, Robert; Non, Arjan; Verbeke, Willem