Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen David, Anda
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2017 | Migrating out of a crowded labor market: Evidence from Egypt | David, Anda; Jarreau, Joachim |
2017 | Social cohesion in times of forced displacement - the case of young people in Jordan | Kuhnt, Jana; Rischke, Ramona; David, Anda; Lechtenfeld, Tobias |
2021 | Analyse des inégalités de revenu au Mali | Alkemade, Paul; Checchi, Daniele; Cissé, Siaka; Coulibaly, Aminata; David, Anda; Koné, Amadou; Munzi, Teresa; Sodio, Gaston; Sougane, Arouna |
2022 | A strong sustainability approach to development trajectories | Godin, Antoine; David, Anda; Lecuyer, Oskar; Leyronas, Stéphanie |