Browsing All of EconStor by Author Darvas, Zsolt

Showing results 1 to 20 of 79
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001Exchange rate pass-through and real exchange rate in EU candidate countriesDarvas, Zsolt
2005A new method for combining detrending techniques with application to business cycle sychchronization of the new EU membersDarvas, Zsolt; Vadas, Gábor
2005Fiscal divergence and business cycle synchronization: Irresponsibility is idiosyncraticDarvas, Zsolt; Rose, Andrew K.; Szapáry, György
2008Az új EU-tagországok megfelelése az optimális valutaövezet kritériumainakDarvas, Zsolt; Szapáry, György
2008Leveraged Carry Trade PortfoliosDarvas, Zsolt
2008Az euróövezet bővítése és euróbevezetési stratégiákDarvas, Zsolt; Szapáry, György
2008Euro Area Enlargement and Euro Adoption StrategiesDarvas, Zsolt; Szapáry, György
2009Cyclical Dimensions of Labour Mobility after EU EnlargementAhearne, Alan; Brücker, Herbert; Darvas, Zsolt; von Weizsäcker, Jakob
2009The Baltic challenge and Euro-area entryDarvas, Zsolt
2009The EU's role in supporting crisis-hit countries in Central and Eastern EuropeDarvas, Zsolt
2009Monetary Transmission in Three Central European Economies: Evidence from Time-Varying Coefficient Vector AutoregressionsDarvas, Zsolt
2009The impact of the crisis on budget policy in Central and Eastern EuropeDarvas, Zsolt
2009Árszínvonal-konvergencia az új EU tagországokban: egy panel-regressziós modell eredményeiDarvas, Zsolt; Szapáry, György
2009The Impact of the Crisis on Budget Policy in Central and Eastern EuropeDarvas, Zsolt
2010Fiscal federalism in crisis: lessons for Europe from the USDarvas, Zsolt
2010Beyond the crisis: Prospects for emerging EuropeDarvas, Zsolt
2010The Case for Reforming Euro Area Entry CriteriaDarvas, Zsolt
2010Financial Transaction Tax: Small is BeautifulDarvas, Zsolt; von Weizsäcker, Jakob
2010The threat of currency wars: a European perspectiveDarvas, Zsolt; Pisani-Ferry, Jean
2010Financial-transaction tax: small is beautifulDarvas, Zsolt; von Weizsäcker, Jakob