Browsing All of EconStor by Author Daimer, Stephanie

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011Germany and the European research areaDaimer, Stephanie; Edler, Jakob; Howells, Jeremy
2011Relevanz regionaler Aktivitäten für Hochschulen und das WissenschaftssystemKoschatzky, Knut; Hufnagl, Miriam; Kroll, Henning; Daimer, Stephanie; Schulze, Nicole
2016Addressing directionality: Orientation failure and the systems of innovation heuristic. Towards reflexive governanceLindner, Ralf; Daimer, Stephanie; Beckert, Bernd; Heyen, Nils; Koehler, Jonathan; Teufel, Benjamin; Warnke, Philine; Wydra, Sven
2017Knowledge triangle policies and practices in GermanyDaimer, Stephanie; Dehio, Jochen; Rothgang, Michael
2018Die Leistungsfähigkeit des deutschen Innovationssystems: Eine Bilanz der Patentaktivitäten nach zehn Jahren Hightech-StrategieDaimer, Stephanie; Hufnagl, Miriam; Frietsch, Rainer; Lindner, Ralf; Neuhäusler, Peter; Rothengatter, Oliver
2021Politikstile und Politikinstrumente in der F&I-PolitikPolt, Wolfgang; Ploder, Michael; Breitfuss, Marija; Daimer, Stephanie; Jackwerth, Thomas; Zielinski, Andrea
2021Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: Jumping ahead to 2038Daimer, Stephanie; Havas, Attila; Cuhls, Kerstin; Yorulmaz, Merve; Vrgovic, Petar
2023Public sector organisations as agents of transformations: A framework for analysing structural changes within Public Sector Organisations (PSO)Jackwerth, Thomas; Afghani, Nof; Daimer, Stephanie; Lindner, Ralf; Wittmann, Florian
2024Social innovation: (accompanying) instrument for addressing societal challenges?Weber, Karl Matthias; Giesecke, Susanne; Havas, Attila; Schartinger, Doris; Albiez, Andreas; Horak, Sophia; Blind, Knut; Bodenheimer, Miriam; Daimer, Stephanie; Shi, Liu; Stadler, Maria; Schmitz, David