Browsing All of EconStor by Author Cicowiez, Martin
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Public Policies for the MDGs: The Case of the Dominican Republic | Díaz-Bonilla, Carolina; Lofgren, Hans; Cicowiez, Martin |
2010 | Effects of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Bolivian economy: A CGE approach | Cicowiez, Martin; Machicado, Carlos Gustavo |
2011 | Effects of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Bolivian Economy: A CGE Approach | Cicowiez, Martin; Machicado, Carlos Gustavo |
2012 | Achieving the MDGs in Yemen. An Assessment | Al-Batuly, Abdulmajeed; Al-Hawri, Mohamed; Cicowiez, Martin; Lofgren, Hans; Pournik, Mohammad |
2015 | Economic assessment of development interventions in data poor countries: An application to Belize's sustainable tourism program | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Cotta, Jamie |
2015 | A Framework for Ex-Ante Economic Analysis of Tourism Investments: An Application to Haiti | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Gachot, Sebastien |
2015 | A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Public Investment in Tourism - An Application to Haiti | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin |
2016 | The integrated economic-environmental modelling framework: An illustration with Guatemala's forest and fuelwood sectors | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Vargas, Renato; Horridge, Mark |
2016 | A conceptual framework for integrated economic-environmental modelling | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Horridge, Mark; Vargas, Renato |
2017 | Reconciliation once and for all: Economic impact evaluation and social cost benefit analysis | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Moreda, Adela |
2017 | Financing the sustainable management of Rwanda's protected areas | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Ochuodho, Thomas; Masozera, Michel; Wolde, Bernabas; Lal, Pankaj; Dudek, Sebastian; Alavalapati, Janaki R.R. |
2017 | Reconciliation once and for all: Economic impact evaluation and social cost benefit analysis | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Moreda, Adela |
2017 | A quantitative assessment of strategies to achieve the sustainable development goals: An application to Guatemala | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Horridge, Mark; Vargas, Renato |
2017 | Boosting tourism's contribution to growth and development: Analysis of evidence | Banerjee, Onil; Cicowiez, Martin; Morris, Emily J. |
2018 | Linking Armington and CET elasticities of substitution and transformation to price elasticities of import demand and export supply: A note for CGE practitioners | Lofgren, Hans; Cicowiez, Martin |