Browsing All of EconStor by Author Christmann, Gabriela B.
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Vulnerabilität und Resilienz in sozio-räumlicher Perspektive: Begriffliche Klärungen und theoretischer Rahmen | Christmann, Gabriela B.; Ibert, Oliver; Kilper, Heiderose; Moss, Timothy |
2012 | Vulnerability and Resilience from a Socio-Spatial Perspective: Towards a Theoretical Framework | Christmann, Gabriela B.; Ibert, Oliver; Kilper, Heiderose; Moss, Timothy |
2018 | Zwischennutzung | Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2020 | How Social Innovation can be Supported in Structurally Weak Rural Regions | Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2020 | Introduction: struggling with innovations. Social innovations and conflicts in urban development and planning | Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2020 | Logistik und Mobilität in der Stadt von morgen: Eine Expert*innenstudie über letzte Meile, Sharing-Konzepte und urbane Produktion | Richter, Ralph; Söding, Max; Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2020 | Innovations in spatial planning as a social process – phases, actors, conflicts | Christmann, Gabriela B.; Ibert, Oliver; Jessen, Johann; Walther, Uwe-Jens |
2020 | Wie man soziale Innovationen in strukturschwachen ländlichen Räumen befördern kann | Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2021 | On the role of key players in rural social innovation processes | Richter, Ralph; Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2022 | Chancen und Herausforderungen in ländlichen Räumen durch Digitalisierung | Sept, Ariane; Christmann, Gabriela B. |
2022 | Rural community development click-by-click: Processes and dynamics of digitally supported social innovations in peripheral rural areas | Zerrer, Nicole; Sept, Ariane; Christmann, Gabriela B. |