Browsing All of EconStor by Author Chiquiar, Daniel
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | A note on Mexico and US manufacturing industries' long-term relationship | Chiquiar, Daniel; Ramos-Francia, Manuel |
2008 | Diferenciales salariales intersectoriales y el cambio en la composición del empleo urbano de la economía mexicana en 2001-2004 | Alcaraz, Carlo; Chiquiar, Daniel; Ramos-Francia, Manuel |
2009 | A note on the predictive content of PPI over CPI inflation: The case of Mexico | Sidaoui, José; Capistrán, Carlos; Chiquiar, Daniel; Ramos-Francia, Manuel |
2009 | Competitiveness and growth of the Mexican economy | Chiquiar, Daniel; Ramos-Francia, Manuel |
2010 | Remittances, schooling, and child labor in Mexico | Alcaraz, Carlo; Chiquiar, Daniel; Salcedo, Alejandrina |
2012 | The effect of publicly provided health insurance on academic performance in Mexico | Alcaraz, Carlo; Chiquiar, Daniel; Orraca, María José; Salcedo, Alejandrina |
2013 | Mexican migration to the United States: Underlying economic factors and possible scenarios for future flows | Chiquiar, Daniel; Salcedo, Alejandrina |
2015 | Informality and segmentation in the Mexican labor market | Alcaraz, Carlo; Chiquiar, Daniel; Salcedo, Alejandrina |
2016 | Measuring and understanding trade in service tasks | Chiquiar, Daniel; Tobal, Martín; Yslas, Renato |
2017 | Notes to understand migration policy with international trade theoretical tools | Cebreros, Alfonso; Chiquiar, Daniel; Roa, Mónica; Tobal, Martín |
2017 | Regional input-output matrices, an application to manufacturing exports in Mexico | Chiquiar, Daniel; Alvarado, Jorge; Quiroga, Miroslava; Torre, Leonardo |
2017 | Identifying Dornbusch's exchange rate overshooting with structural VECs: Evidence from Mexico | Capistrán Carmona, Carlos; Chiquiar, Daniel; Hernández, Juan R. |
2017 | Labor market consequences of trade openness and competition in foreign markets | Chiquiar, Daniel; Covarrubias, Enrique; Salcedo, Alejandrina |
2019 | La independencia de los bancos centrales y la inflación: Un análisis empírico | Chiquiar, Daniel; Ibarra-Ramírez, Raúl |
2019 | Global value chains in Mexico: A historical perspective | Chiquiar, Daniel; Tobal, Martín |
2020 | Trade policy uncertainty and its effect on foreign direct investment: Evidence from Mexico | Cebreros, Alfonso; Salcedo, Alejandrina; Chiquiar, Daniel; Heffner-Rodríguez, Aldo |