Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Cardoso, Vicente
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2011 | Survival of new firms in the Brazilian franchising segment: An empirical study | Facanha, Luis Otávio; Resende, Marcelo; Cardoso, Vicente; Schröder, Bruno H. |
2012 | Determinants of survival of newly created SMEs in the Brazilian manufacturing: An econometric study | Façanha, Luis Otávio; Resende, Marcelo; Cardoso, Vicente |
2017 | Labour Market Participation in Brazil: A Discrete Game Approach | Resende, Marcelo; Cardoso, Vicente |
2018 | Police and Crime: Further Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment | Cardoso, Vicente; Resende, Marcelo |