Browsing All of EconStor by Author Capello, Roberta

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1998Collective learning in a milieu approach: Conceptual elements and empirical evidence from ItalyCapello, Roberta
1999Agglomeration economies and Urban Productivity : Location vs Agglomeration EconomiesCapello, Roberta
2001Spatial and Sectoral Characteristics of Relational Capital in Innovation ActivityCapello, Roberta
2002Knowledge, innovation and collective learning: theory and evidence from three different productive areas in ItalyCapello, Roberta; Faggian, Alessandra
2003The theoretical and methodological toolbox of urban economics: from and towards where?Capello, Roberta; Nijkamp, Peter
2004Ex-ante Evaluation of European ICTs Policies: Efficiency vs Cohesion ScenariosCapello, Roberta; Spairani, Alessia
2006Territorial Scenarios for an Integrated Europe: Driving Forces of Change and Quantitative ForecastsCapello, Roberta; Chizzolini, Barbara; Fratesi, Ugo
2009Territorial Capital and Regional Growth: Increasing Returns in Cognitive Knowledge UseCapello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea; Nijkamp, Peter
2010Globalization and endogenous regional growthCapello, Roberta; Fratesi, Ugo
2011Territorial Patterns of Innovation in EuropeCapello, Roberta; Lenzi, Camilla
2012Regional innovation patterns and the EU regional policy reform: towards smart innovation policiesCamagni, Roberto; Capello, Roberta
2012Knowledge, innovation and economic growth: spatial heterogeneity in EuropeCapello, Roberta; Lenzi, Camilla
2014After Crisis Scenarios for CEECs: A simulation through the MASST3 modelCapello, Roberta; Caragliu, Andrea
2023Cities and regions in transitionCapello, Roberta; Conte, Andrea