Browsing All of EconStor by Author Cambini, Carlo

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Capital Structure and Regulation: Does Ownership Matter?Cambini, Carlo; Bortolotti, Bernardo; Rondi, Laura; Spiegel, Yossi
2010Regulatory independence and political interference: evidence from EU mixed-ownership utilities' investment and debtCambini, Carlo; Rondi, Laura
2015Why is Europe lagging on next generation access networks?Briglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Grajek, Michał
2016How to Fill the Digital Gap? The (Limited) Role of RegulationBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Melani, Sauro
2016How to fill the digital gap? The (limited) role of regulationBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Melani, Sauro
2017Speeding up the internet: Regulation and investment in European fiber optic infrastructureBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Grajek, Michał
2017Speeding Up the Internet: Regulation and Investment in European Fiber Optic InfrastructureBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Grajek, Michał
2017The European electronic communications code: A critical appraisal with a focus on incentivizing investment in next generation broadband networksBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Fetzer, Thomas; Hüschelrath, Kai
2017Speeding up the internet: Regulation and investment in European fiber optic infrastructureBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Grajek, Michał
2020Energy Systems Integration: Implications for public policyCambini, Carlo; Congiu, Raffaele; Jamasb, Tooraj; Llorca, Manuel; Soroush, Golnoush
2020Co-Investment, Uncertainty, and Opportunism: Ex-Ante and Ex-Post RemediesBourreau, Marc; Cambini, Carlo; Hoernig, Steffen; Vogelsang, Ingo
2021Net Neutrality and High Speed Broadband Networks: Evidence from OECD CountriesBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Gugler, Klaus; Stocker, Volker
2021The Faster the Better? The Effect of Ultra-Fast Broadband on Students' PerformanceCambini, Carlo; Sabatino, Lorien; Zaccagni, Sarah
2023Economic benefits of high-speed broadband network coverage and service adoption: Evidence from OECD member statesBriglauer, Wolfgang; Cambini, Carlo; Gugler, Klaus