Browsing All of EconStor by Author Busch, Anne

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Gender Pay Gap Lower in Large Cities than in Rural AreasBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2008Verdienstdifferenzen zwischen Frauen und Männern nur teilweise durch Strukturmerkmale zu erklärenBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2008"Gender Pay Gap": in Großstädten geringer als auf dem LandBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2009Berufswahl wichtig für Karrierechancen von Frauen und MännernBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2009Glass Ceiling Effect and Earnings: The Gender Pay Gap in Managerial Positions in GermanyHolst, Elke; Busch, Anne
2009Der "Gender Pay Gap" in Führungspositionen der Privatwirtschaft in DeutschlandHolst, Elke; Busch, Anne
2009Glass ceiling effect and earnings: the gender pay gap in managerial positions in GermanyBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2010Führungskräfte-Monitor 2010Holst, Elke; Busch, Anne
2011Gender-specific occupational segregation, glass ceiling effects, and earnings in managerial positions: Results of a fixed effects modelBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2011Gender-Specific Occupational Segregation, Glass Ceiling Effects, and Earnings in Managerial Positions: Results of a Fixed Effects ModelBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2011Gender-specific occupational segregation, glass ceiling effects, and earnings in managerial positions: Results of a fixed effects modelBusch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2012Occupational sex segregation and management-level wages in Germany: What role does firm size play?Busch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2012Occupational sex segregation and management-level wages in Germany: What role does firm size play?Busch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2012Occupational sex segregation and management-level wages in Germany: What role does firm size play?Busch, Anne; Holst, Elke
2012Führungskräfte-Monitor 2012: Update 2001-2010Holst, Elke; Busch, Anne; Kröger, Lea
2013Geschlechtsspezifische Verdienstunterschiede bei Führungskräften und sonstigen Angestellten in Deutschland: Welche Relevanz hat der Frauenanteil im Beruf?Busch, Anne; Holst, Elke